本機組由自動上料機,自動計量機,ZD140-2 包裝機,噴膠機,輸送機,噴碼機,熱縮包裝機組成. 實現自動供料,自動計量,自動上袋,自動折邊,自動卷邊,自動噴膠,自動噴碼日期,自動計 數裹包收縮自動化包裝生產功能.
適用于粉劑物料:面粉,玉米粉,化工粉,咖啡粉,茶粉等由磚型袋包裝的物料; 適用于顆粒物料:糖,鹽,等顆粒物料由磚型袋包裝的物料。
Briefintroduction of equipment
This unit is composed of automatic feeder,automatic metering machine,ZD140-2 packaging machine,glue spraying machine,conveyor,coding machine,heat shrink packaging machine.
It can realize the automated packaging production functions such as automatic feeding,automatic
metering,automatic bag feeding,automatic edge folding,automatic beading,automatic glue spraying, automatic date coding,automatic counting,wrapping and shrinkage.
It is suitable for powdery materials such as flour,com flour,chemical powder,coffee powder,tea powder and other materials packaged in brick bags
It is suitable for granular materials such as sugar,salt,and other granular materials packaged in brick bags.
技術參數(Technical parameters)
1. 包裝范圍:0.5Kg-5Kg;Packaging range:0.5kg~5kg
2. 包裝袋: 預制磚型紙袋.磚型塑料袋;
Packaging bag: Prefabricated brick-type paper bags,brick-type plasticbags
3. 袋子尺寸: 寬:80--140mm;Bag size: Width:80~140mm
長:240-320mm; length:240~320mm 側寬:60-80MM; side width:60~80mm
4. 包裝速度: 30-45包/分鐘 (具體根據袋子和物料)
Packaging speed: 30~45 bags/min(depending on bag and material)
5 .包裝精度:2%-- 1%;Packaging accuracy:2%o~1% 6.包裝機組尺寸:長L13700X寬W2700X高 H3400
Packaging unitsize:LL13700*W2700*H3400
安徽遠新自動化設備有限公司 聯系人:張先生 電話:13856098715